It's a new year!!! New things have happened and I am having a huge post! :) I would first like to introduce you to cara cara oranges!!! They look like regular oranges but the middle is pink-red kind of like a grapefruit and they have a berry taste to them. This one wasn't very berry-ish but I had another kind that were way red and so tasty!! :)

Over Winter break my family made the coolest thing ever!! A snow sculpture of Mr.
Fredrickson from UP! He was so cute and soo many people came to see him!

SOmething cool I made from pinterest is this cute paper flower! I printed out french words onto cream colored paper and ta da!

Another crafty thing I've done was refurbished my toms! THey turned out so cute and I will be making a tutorial soon!

This is the sad egg that fell while I was making blondies... :( haha

Me and Annie are super creative and made a work of art while opening a pomegranate!

This is my super awesome pumpkin from halloween! It's a bird singing on a telephone wire!

Rachel made art too!

Aren't we just grand?!?!?! :)